Gerry Fraiberg
Hi, my name is Gerry Fraiberg. I’m a communications handyman. I make video. I take photos. I’m a voice over artist. Hence, Vision & Voice – giving voice to your vision.
I worked in radio news for 20 years as an announcer/writer/editor/interviewer/reporter/researcher. I use my acquired skills to tell your story.
I am passionate about the work that I do. My goal is for you to say, “That’s exactly what I wanted” when I deliver your product.
Clients include:
- All-Together Affordable Housing
- Belleville Economic Development
- Belleville General Hospital
- Belleville General Hospital Foundation
- Batawa Development Corporation
- County & Quinte Living Magazine
- EORN – Eastern Ontario Regional Network
- Glanmore National Historic Site
- Hastings County Economic Development
- InterfaceFLOR Canada
- Mead Johnson
- Meta Employment Services
- Ministry of Natural Resources
- Pathways To Independence
- Quinte Economic Development Commission
- Quinte Sports & Wellness Centre
- Reid’s Dairy
- Sandbanks Provincial Park
- Town of Greater Napanee
- United Way of Quinte
- Victim Services of Quinte